Музей современного искусства Мигиси Котаро


The Path of a Dosanko

Exhibition Room 1-7

Born and raised in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Migishi Kotaro was a painter who left a profound mark on Japanese modern art history and a notable dosanko—a term of endearment for the people of Hokkaido.
Migishi loved the northern country for its nature—its deep shadows, the way carefree, fresh beauty is juxtaposed with harsh, rugged features. He loved its poetic cityscapes lined with Western-style buildings and modern architecture. And he loved the locals he lived with who shared his passion for art. Migishi’s sensibility, nurtured by this northern environment, is reflected in his works in a unique sense of color and romanticism.
Migishi faced the turbulent art world of the 1920s and 1930s with vigor and unrestrained abandon, spurred on by the aim to create a new style of painting. The Path of a Dosanko traces his unique path, always with a focus on dosanko.
Период проведения 2023.04.29 Сб - 2023.07.05 Ср


mima-no-me #MIMANOME [VOL. 7]

7-ой проект из серии знакомства с молодыми авторами, связанными с Хоккайдо. Экспозиция делает акцент на новизне ощущений и чувств, а также на разнообразии выразительных средств.

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