【複製】KANEKO Otei Exhibition: Calligraphy based on the Tanka of WAKAYAMA Bokusui
KANEKO Otei,Tanka by WAKAYAMA Bokusui,1979, Hakodate Museum of Art(Collection of Hakodate city)
Permanent Collection and Otei Memorial Room
We will showcase Ōtei's calligraphy based on Wakayama Bokusui’s tanka poems.
We will showcase Ōtei's calligraphy based on Wakayama Bokusui’s tanka poems.
개최 기간 2025.04.19 Sat. - 2025.09.07 Sun.
Single Ticket
General ¥260
High school and university students ¥150
Group Ticket – Groups of 10+(pp)
General ¥210
High school and university students ¥110
*Seniors(Age65+),Elementary and junior high school students and under: ¥0(Free of charge)
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